The Walk for WasteAid 2018 has raised over £10,000 to support better waste management around the world and everyone who made it across the finishing line received a 3D printed medal made using Filamentive recycled plastic 3D printing filament.

Plastic waste is a global issue. Our current plastic extraction and consumption is unsustainable and is leading to detrimental impacts on land and in marine environments. Gartner suggests that there will be 6.7 million 3D printers sold by the year 2020. Assuming that each printer uses 20 kg of plastic per annum, 140,000,000 kg of plastic filament will be needed to meet market demand. Therefore we need to pioneer recycling solutions in 3D printing to reduce the impact of 3D printing waste in our industry.

A registered charity set up by British waste management professionals, WasteAid campaigns for increased investment in recycling initiatives in low- and middle-income countries. With plastic pollution hitting the headlines on an almost daily basis, WasteAid communicates the facts about the problem, and shares positive solutions:

  • Most plastic entering the oceans comes from normal household rubbish in places with no waste management.
  • Recycling is a very cost-effective way to keep plastic out of the oceans and deliver sustainable development.
  • Simple waste management and recycling enterprises benefit the most marginalised in society.

Everyone who made it across the finishing line received a 3D printed medal made using Filamentive recycled plastic 3D printing filament – produced by our partner, Singular MARS.

Make a difference in the world – Get involved in the WasteAid movement calling for better waste management for all. Join us in making a noise and raising money to help share recycling skills, create jobs, and keep plastics out of the oceans.



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